Difference Between Dwarfs and Dwarves

September 24, 2024
Difference Between Dwarfs and Dwarves

Difference Between Dwarfs and Dwarves

Difference Between “Dwarfs” and “Dwarves”

The words “dwarfs” and “dwarves” both mean “little people,” but they are used in different ways. Here is why they are different:

History of the Words

“Dwarfs” is the older form. It has been used in English for a long time. “Dwarves” is a newer form. It became popular because of J.R.R. Tolkien, a writer who wrote about little people in famous books like “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings.”

How to Use “Dwarfs” and “Dwarves”

Use “dwarfs” for real, scientific things:

  • In science, “dwarfs” is often used. For example: “The sun is a giant star, but there are also dwarf stars.”
  • In the real world, “dwarfs” can refer to people who are short because of a condition called dwarfism.

Use “dwarves” for fantasy stories:

  • In fantasy books and movies, “dwarves” are often magical little people with beards and axes.
  • These are the kinds of people you might find in stories about wizards and dragons.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Think “f” for factual and “v” for voyage. “Dwarfs” with an “f” for real things and “dwarves” with a “v” for fantasy stories that take you on a voyage.

Examples of “Dwarfs” in Sentences

  • The seven dwarfs live in the forest.
  • The small plant is a dwarf of its kind.
  • He has a kind heart, even though he is a dwarf.
  • Many people with dwarfism lead happy lives.
  • The kids read a book about a friendly dwarf.

Examples of “Dwarves” in Sentences

  • The dwarves mined gold in the mountain.
  • Gimli is a brave dwarf in the story.
  • The dwarves fought against the orcs.
  • Tolkien’s world has many dwarves and elves.
  • In the game, the dwarves made strong weapons.


“Dwarfs” is used for real and scientific things, like stars and people with dwarfism. “Dwarves” is used in fantasy stories about magical little people. Remember “f” for factual and “v” for voyage to help keep them separate.