English words end with ‘ster’ and their meaning.

August 14, 2021

1. Bangster: A burly violent fellow; abully, a braggart, or one who beats his opponents; a victor, winner.

2. Bankster: A humorous nickname for a person employed in banking, or a derogatory term for a banker seen as profiteering or dishonest.

3. Broomster: One who wields a broom; specifically in curling, one who sweeps the ice.

4. Browdster: An embroiderer.

5. Bumster: A very low-cut style of trousers, which reveals the top of the wearer’s buttocks.

6. Clubster: gentlemen’s club; Afrequenter of clubs, or one who uses a club for striking. Also a stoat.

7. Dabster: One skilled at anything; an expert.

8. Daubster: A clumsy painter.

9. Dopester: One who collects information on, and forecasts the result of, sporting events, elections etc. Also one sells, uses, or is addicted to, drugs.

10. Dragster: A car designed for dragraces.

11. Drumster: A drummer.

12. Dryster: Someone employed in drying something.

13. Fibster: A liar.

14. Flogster: One who is addicted to flogging.

15. Fraudster: One who commits fraud.

16. Funkster: A performer or fan of ‘funky’ music.

17. Funster: A jocular term for one who makes fun.

18. Gagster: One who makes ‘gags’ or jokes; a gag-writer or comedian.

19. Gamester: A gambler or arisk-taker. A player of any game, sport, or pastime. Also a person who looks after a ‘game’ of swans.

20. Hackster: One who hacks, a ‘hacker’ or ‘cutter’; a cut-throat; a swaggering ruffian, swash buckler. Also aprostitute.

21. Hewster: A colourer, a dyer.

22. Homester: A person devoted to staying at home, a homebody. In British sport, a person playing on his or her home territory, especially (in plural) the home team.

23. Humster: One who expresses approval by humming.

24. Inkster: A scribbler, an inferior writer.

25. Kickster: One whose behaviour is governed principally or solely by the desire for ‘kicks’.

26. Knitster: A knitter.

27. Lewdster: A lewd person.

28. Lobster: One who bowls ‘lobs’ at cricket.

29. Mimester: A mime artist.

30. Mugster: Derogatory school slang for a diligent or hard-working student.

31. Planster: A depreciative term for a person responsible for planning urban or land development.

32. Prepster: A student at or graduate of a prep school.

33. Prigster: A thief. Also an excessively precise or particular person and, more generally, an objectionable person.

34. Puckster: An ice hockey player.

35. Punster: A person who makes puns, esp. habitually or skilfully.

36. Quipster: A person given to making quips.

37. Rhymester: A person who composes rhymes or verses, esp. verses of inferior quality; a rhymer.

38. Roadster: A horse or bicycle suitable for roads. A type of sporty open-top car with two seats. A person whouses roads; a traveller.

39. Rockster: A woman who rocks a cradle; a child’s nurse.

40. Roomster: An occupant of space.

41. Sadster: A pathetic or contemptible person, in colloquial British English.

42. Scenester: A person who is characterized by participation in a particular (usually fashionable) social, musical, or artistic scene.

43. Seedster: A sower; a disseminator, an originator.

44. Sharpster: A sharp or stylish dresser. Also, a cheat, swindler, rogue.

45. Shavester: A barber.

46. Skister: One who uses skis; aski-runner.

47. Speedster: A fast motor vehicle; aspeed-boat. Also a motorist who drives fast, and a person or animal who moves or acts very quickly; a fast runner.

48. Sportster: A sports car. Also anitem of clothing suitable for sporting or informal wear.

49. Swordster: One addicted to the use of the sword.

50. Teamster: The driver or owner of a team. In North American English, a lorry-driver, especially a member of theTeamsters Union, including lorry drivers, chauffeurs, and warehouse workers.

51. Tipster: One who systematically gives tips or gratuities.

52. Tonguester: A talkative person; agreat talker; a gossip.

53. Tunester: A songwriter.

54. Whipster: A slight, insignificant, or contemptible person. Also a driver of horses.

55. Wordster: A person who uses words, esp. skilfully or (in early use, depreciatively) in place of action. Also: a student of words and their meanings.