The Difference Between Psychopath and Sociopath

March 20, 2024
The Difference Between Psychopath and Sociopath

The Difference Between Psychopath and Sociopath

The Difference Between Psychopath and Sociopath

History of the Words:

Psychopath and sociopath are words that describe people who behave in harmful or violent ways, but they are slightly different. The word “psychopath” comes from two Greek words, “psyche” which means mind, and “pathos” which means suffering. The word “sociopath” comes from the Latin word “socius” which means companion or associate, and “pathos” which means suffering.

How to Use Them:

– Psychopath is used to describe someone who has a mental disorder that makes them act without considering how their actions affect others.
– Sociopath is used to describe someone who has a personality disorder that makes them disregard the rights and feelings of others.

Trick to Remember the Difference:

Think of a psychopath as someone whose mind is suffering, and a sociopath as someone who doesn’t care about how their actions affect others socially.

Examples of Psychopath:

1. The serial killer was diagnosed as a psychopath.
2. The psychopath showed no remorse for his actions.
3. It is believed that the main character in the movie is a psychopath.
4. She feared that her ex-boyfriend might be a psychopath.
5. The psychologist specialized in treating psychopaths.

Examples of Sociopath:

1. The sociopath manipulated his friends for personal gain.
2. The movie villain displayed sociopathic tendencies.
3. It’s difficult to trust someone who behaves like a sociopath.
4. The criminal’s behavior was a textbook example of a sociopath.
5. The detective was trained to spot signs of a sociopath during investigations.


In summary, a psychopath has a mental disorder that affects their judgment and empathy, while a sociopath has a personality disorder that leads them to disregard others’ feelings and rights. Remember, a psychopath’s mind is suffering, and a sociopath doesn’t care about social norms.