Homonyms and Homophones are words that have been part of the English language for a long time. They come from old Greek words. “Homo” means “same.” “Nym” means “name,” and “phone” means “sound.”
Homonyms are words that look the same and sound the same but have different meanings.
Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.
Think of “nouns” for homonyms. They are names (or nouns) that look and sound the same but are different things. For homophones, think of the word “phone.” Phones help you hear things; homophones sound the same but are different words.
Homonyms: Same spelling, same sound, different meanings. Example: Bark (dog noise) and Bark (tree cover).
Homophones: Different spellings, same sound, different meanings. Example: To, Two, Too.
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