Sometimes, two words can seem very close, but they mean different things. “Appreciable” and “Appreciative” are like that. Let’s learn what makes them different.
Appreciable comes from the Latin word “appretiabilis,” which means “able to be valued.” It means something big enough to be noticed.
Appreciative comes from the same Latin root, but it means “showing that you value something.” It is about feeling thankful.
Think of “appreciable” as something you can “measure” because both have an “e” and “a” close together (measureable and appreciable).
Think of “appreciative” as showing “thanks” because both words have the letter “i” close to the end (thanks and appreciative).
To sum up, appreciable means something that is big enough to be seen or measured. Appreciative means feeling or showing thanks.
Just remember, “appreciable” is about size or amount you notice, and “appreciative” is about saying thanks!
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