Affluent vs Effluent: What’s the Difference?

September 28, 2024
Affluent vs Effluent: What's the Difference?

Affluent vs Effluent: What’s the Difference?

Affluent vs Effluent

Sometimes, words look alike but mean different things. “Affluent” and “Effluent” are two such words. Let’s learn about them!


“Affluent” comes from old words that mean “flowing” or “many.” It first meant having lots of water, but now means having lots of money.

“Effluent” comes from old words that mean “flow out.” It is used for dirty water or waste flowing out from a place.

How to Use Them

Use “affluent” when talking about a person or place with a lot of money or things.

Use “effluent” when talking about waste water or something unpleasant flowing out.

Examples of “Affluent”

  • The affluent family had a big house.
  • She lives in an affluent neighborhood.
  • Many affluent people help the poor.
  • The city became affluent because of trade.
  • Affluent people often travel a lot.

Examples of “Effluent”

  • The factory released effluent into the river.
  • Effluent from homes goes into sewers.
  • They cleaned up the effluent quickly.
  • Effluent can harm fish in the water.
  • New laws limit how much effluent factories can release.

Trick to Remember

Think of “Affluent” = A lot of money.

Think of “Effluent” = Ew, dirty water.


“Affluent” means rich or full of money. “Effluent” means dirty water or waste. Remember the difference by thinking “Affluent” equals money and “Effluent” equals dirty water.