Inn or In? Stay or Stay Within!

October 04, 2024
Inn or In? Stay or Stay Within!

Inn or In? Stay or Stay Within!

Difference Between “Inn” and “In”

The History of the Words

The word “inn” comes from old English, where it meant a place to stay. People would stop at an inn for rest and food when traveling. The word “in” is also from old English. It means inside or within a place or thing.

How to Use “Inn” and “In”

“Inn” is a noun. It is a place, like a small hotel or guesthouse, where people can eat and sleep.

Examples of “inn”:

  1. We stayed at a cozy inn by the lake.
  2. The inn had a warm fireplace in the lobby.
  3. Travelers stopped at the inn for the night.
  4. The inn served homemade breakfast.
  5. There was an old inn in the village.

“In” is a preposition. It shows that something is inside or within something else.

Examples of “in”:

  1. The cat is in the box.
  2. She put the toys in the basket.
  3. The milk is in the fridge.
  4. He is in the room.
  5. There is water in the cup.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Remember that “inn” has two ‘n’s, just like “hostel” has two syllables, and both mean a place to stay. “In” is short; it means inside or within.


“Inn” is where you stay the night. It’s like a small hotel. “In” shows where something is — inside or within something else. These words have very different meanings even though they sound alike.