Understanding the Differences Between Assignation, Assignment, and Assassination

October 31, 2024

Understanding Assignation, Assignment, and Assassination

These words might sound similar, but they mean different things. Let’s look at each one closely.


History: The word “assignation” comes from old Latin meaning “to mark out” or “to make an appointment.”

Meaning: It often means a secret meeting, especially between lovers.

How to Use: Use “assignation” when talking about hidden plans or meetings.

Trick to Remember: Think of “assignation” as a “secret sign” for a meeting.

Example Sentences:

  • They made an assignation to meet at midnight.
  • The lovers planned a secret assignation at the park.
  • The assignation was set for the back room of the café.
  • No one knew about their assignation until later.
  • The assignation was whispered about for days.


History: This word comes from the Latin word “assignare,” which means “to allot” or “to appoint.”

Meaning: An assignment is a task or work given to someone to do.

How to Use: Use “assignment” when talking about school work or tasks given at jobs.

Trick to Remember: Remember “assignment” as a “signed task” you must do.

Example Sentences:

  • The teacher gave us an assignment to write a story.
  • She finished her math assignment before dinner.
  • The assignment was due on Friday morning.
  • He asked his friend for help with the science assignment.
  • They worked together on the group assignment.


History: This word comes from the Arabic “hashshashin,” which referred to a secret group known for their acts.

Meaning: The act of killing a person, usually for political reasons.

How to Use: Use “assassination” when talking about plots to kill important people.

Trick to Remember: “Assassinate” is similar to “eliminate” with serious intent.

Example Sentences:

  • There was an assassination attempt on the leader.
  • The news covered the assassination of the famous figure.
  • The plot for assassination was discovered early.
  • He was feared because of his role in the assassination.
  • The history books talked about the assassination.


To sum up, “assignation” is about secret meetings, “assignment” is about tasks and work, and “assassination” involves the act of killing someone important. Remember these tricks to keep them straight: “secret sign” for assignation, “signed task” for assignment, and “eliminate” for assassination.