In English, sometimes words have different spellings, but they mean the same thing. This happens because English is used in many countries. Enrollment and Enrolment are examples of this.
The word enrollment (with two L’s) is the spelling used in American English. On the other hand, enrolment (with one L) is what you will see in British English. Both words come from the French word enrôler, which means “to put on a list.”
Both enrollment and enrolment mean signing up or joining a group, school, class, or course.
To remember which word to use, think about where you are. If you are in the United States, use enrollment with two L’s. If you are in the United Kingdom or another country that uses British English, use enrolment with one L.
In summary, enrollment and enrolment are two spellings of the same word. Use enrollment for American English and enrolment for British English. They both refer to the act of signing up or joining something, like a class or course.
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