Competencies and skills are words we use to talk about what people can do. They both tell us about a person’s ability, but they are not the same.
The word competency comes from “competens,” which is Latin and means “suitable” or “sufficient.” It’s been around for a long time and is used to talk about a group of skills and knowledge needed for a job.
The word skill has roots in the Old Norse word “skil,” meaning “difference” or “discernment.” We use it to describe the ability to do something well.
Skills are abilities to do something well, like reading or cooking. They are often learned through practice and education.
Competencies are a mix of skills, knowledge, and behavior needed to be effective in a job or role. They are often broader and cover more than one skill.
Think of skills as single puzzles pieces. Each skill is one piece. Competencies are like a finished puzzle, made of many skills fitting together to form a bigger picture.
In short, skills are specific abilities one can practice and improve. Competencies are broader and include skills plus the knowledge and behavior needed to succeed in a role or job. Skills are important parts of competencies; many skills put together make up a competency.
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