Understanding the Difference Between Analysis and Analyses

December 26, 2024
Understanding the Difference Between Analysis and Analyses

Understanding the Difference Between Analysis and Analyses

Analysis vs. Analyses: Understanding the Difference

Learning when to use “analysis” and when to use “analyses” can be tricky, but I am here to help! Let’s look at what these words mean, where they come from, and how you can use them properly.

What Do They Mean?

Analysis: This word means looking at something closely to understand it better. We use it when we talk about just one study or investigation.

Analyses: This word is the plural form of “analysis.” It means more than one study or investigation. So, when you have several analyses, you are talking about multiple studies.

History of the Words

The word “analysis” comes from a Greek word that means “to break apart.” It has been used in English for many years to describe a careful examination. “Analyses” is just the plural form of “analysis.”

How to Use Them

It’s easy to make mistakes with these words, but here is a simple way to remember them:

  • Use analysis when you are talking about one investigation.
  • Use analyses when you mean more than one.

Examples of “Analysis”

  • The analysis of the data showed interesting results.
  • She wrote an analysis of the book for her class.
  • The doctor completed the analysis of the patient’s blood test.
  • His analysis of the problem was very detailed.
  • The teacher presented her analysis of the poem to the students.

Examples of “Analyses”

  • The analyses of the surveys helped improve the product.
  • The scientists shared their analyses at the conference.
  • Multiple analyses were conducted to ensure accuracy.
  • Our team’s analyses have led to new discoveries.
  • Different analyses of the same event can lead to varied opinions.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Here is a simple trick: Remember that “analysis” is for one study, like how “one” and “analysis” both have no “e” at the end. “Analyses” is for more than one, and like “many,” it ends with an “s.”


“Analysis” is used for one careful examination, while “analyses” is used for more than one. Next time you write or speak, think if you are talking about just one investigation or many. Then, choose the right word!