What does FCI mean? What is the full form of FCI?

1, The full form of FCI is Food Corporation of India. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in India

Food Corporation of India (FCI) is an organization created on 14 January 1965 to provide rice support for farmers and ensures adequate public distribution of food grains and to maintaining a satisfactory level of operational and buffer stocks of food grains to ensure National Food Security.

2, The full form of FCI is Framatome Connectors International. It’s used on Business ,Companies & Corporations in France

Framatome Connectors International (FCI) is a French-based designer, manufacturer, and supplier of electrical and electronic interconnect systems for a wide range of consumer and industrial applications.

3, The full form of FCI is Federal Correctional Institution. It’s used on Governmental ,Police in United States

Federal Correctional Institution, (FCI) are low low-security prison in United States.

4, The full form of FCI is Food Craft Institute. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Universities & Institutions in India

Food Craft Institute (FCI) is an institute with an objective to provide instructions and training in all the Craft and skills, both theoretical and practical, and all the organizational and management techniques, which are required to the efficient functioning of Hotel and Catering establishments of all kinds as well as institutional feeding programme in schools, Industrial establishments and other similar organizations.



Food Corporation of Indiahow to pronounce Food Corporation of India

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Framatome Connectors Internationalhow to pronounce Framatome Connectors International

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Federal Correctional Institutionhow to pronounce Federal Correctional Institution

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Food Craft Institutehow to pronounce Food Craft Institute

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Do you want to know What does FCI mean? What is the full form of FCI?. Are you looking for What does FCI mean? What is the full form of FCI? What is FCI stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of FCI. The Full Form of FCI is‍ Food Corporation of India, Framatome Connectors International, Federal Correctional Institution, Food Craft Institute
You also might want to know: how to pronounce FCI, how to pronounce Food Corporation of India, how to pronounce Framatome Connectors International, how to pronounce Federal Correctional Institution, how to pronounce Food Craft Institute,
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What does FCI mean? What is the full form of FCI?
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