What does SL mean? What is the full form of SL?

1, The full form of SL is Sierra Leone. It’s used on Regional ,Countries in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone (ISO 3166 code: SL), officially the Republic of Sierra Leone, is a country in West Africa.

2, The full form of SL is Sick Leave. It’s used on Business ,Business Terms in Worldwide

Sick Leave (SL) is a leave that employees can take when they can’t attend work because they are sick.

3, The full form of SL is Step Length. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Units in Worldwide

Step Length (SL) or Step Frequency, is the distance between the point of initial contact of one foot and the point of initial contact of the opposite foot.

4, The full form of SL is Sleeper Class. It’s used on Transport & Travel ,Rail Transport in India

Sleeper Class (SL) is one of the most common coach on Indian Railways. Sleeper Class (SL) has seats to sit as well as berths provided for sleeping. Sleeper Class price is more per passenger compared to Second Sitting (2S).



Sierra Leonehow to pronounce Sierra Leone

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Sick Leavehow to pronounce Sick Leave

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Step Lengthhow to pronounce Step Length

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Sleeper Classhow to pronounce Sleeper Class

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Do you want to know What does SL mean? What is the full form of SL?. Are you looking for What does SL mean? What is the full form of SL? What is SL stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of SL. The Full Form of SL is‍ Sierra Leone, Sick Leave, Step Length, Sleeper Class
You also might want to know: how to pronounce SL, how to pronounce Sierra Leone, how to pronounce Sick Leave, how to pronounce Step Length, how to pronounce Sleeper Class,
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Showing the full form of SL:‍ 'Sierra Leone, Sick Leave, Step Length, Sleeper Class' on your site.
What does SL mean? What is the full form of SL?
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