What does BFE mean? What is the full form of BFE?

The full form of BFE is bum f**k, Egypt
This acronym is used to represent the phrase “bum f**k, Egypt” or “bumf**k, Egypt.” It is used to mean that something is happening in the middle of nowhere where nothing is around.

Origin of BFE

The slang term Bumf***, Egypt was used in regular communication first in 1972 by the military. The acronym used today has been in existence since at least 1988 and most guess that it has been used for longer than that. However, 1988 is the first documented usage that can be traced. Some people say “bfa” instead, replacing Egypt with Africa and still, some others shorten the expression to just “bf” to mean “bumf***” or “bumblef***.” Regardless of the way it is used, the meaning is still the same in all instances to mean the middle of nowhere.

Example Conversations
Friend 1: Are you going to the party at Mark’s house tonight?
Friend 2: I was thinking about it. Why?
Friend 1: I was wondering if you were going to go if I could get a ride with you.
Friend 2: Sure thing! Beats having to drive out to bfe by myself.



bum f**k, Egypthow to pronounce bum f**k, Egypt

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Do you want to know What does BFE mean? What is the full form of BFE?. Are you looking for What does BFE mean? What is the full form of BFE? What is BFE stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of BFE. The Full Form of BFE is‍ bum f**k, Egypt
You also might want to know: how to pronounce BFE, how to pronounce bum f**k, Egypt,
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