What does TWT mean? What is the full form of TWT?

The full form of TWT is Time Will Tell
‘TWT’ is the abbreviation for “Time Will Tell”.

This internet slang term is most commonly used in the early 2000s via text message.

History of TWT
Now on very extremely rare occasions, the abbreviation ‘twt’ has been used for one more instance known as ‘The Window Thing’. A few college students that attended a wealthy school on athletic scholarships kept getting horrible grades. They devised a plan to help keep their grades above average and not get kicked out. The plan was called ‘The Window Thing’ where one would boost the other through a window into an office to change their grades, they communicated via text message saying, “Hey man I need to do twt.” They only got caught when one night the janitor walked in on one that was halfway into the office via the window and hearing the commotion his partner giving a boost took off leaving the poor guy to be stuck half in the window with no place to run.

You can also use ‘twt’ in most chat forums like Tumblr to create a crying emoji.

Conversation Examples
Girl Texter: You don’t think we are good together?
Boy Texter: Babe I just don’t know.
Girl Texter: But how can you say that are we breaking up?
Boy Texter: No, idk I guess twt.
Here you see a boy telling a girl explaining he is unsure about whether or not they should be together, but allowing some time to see how it works out.



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Do you want to know What does TWT mean? What is the full form of TWT?. Are you looking for What does TWT mean? What is the full form of TWT? What is TWT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of TWT. The Full Form of TWT is‍ Time Will Tell
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What does TWT mean? What is the full form of TWT?
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