What does KDSI mean? What is the full form of KDSI?

The full form of KDSI is Knowledge Delivery Systems Inc. 

Knowledge Delivery Systems, Inc. was acquired by Public Consulting Group, Inc. Knowledge Delivery Systems, Inc., an e-learning company, provides research-based professional development solutions for districts, schools, and teachers in the United States. The company builds district-wide system solutions and online courses that address educators’ challenges in the classroom. It offers professional development, salary advancement, specialized programs, graduate programs, and Master’s Degree programs to teachers; and custom and strategic professional development programs, observation and evaluation tools, and performance management programs for school districts. Its courses are delivered through a Professional Learning Platform, which leverages learning communities making educator learning engaging and social. Knowledge Delivery Systems, Inc. was formerly known as GeoPortals.com, Inc. and changed its name to Knowledge Delivery Systems, Inc. in October 2001. The company was incorporated in 1995 and is based in New York, New York.



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Do you want to know What does KDSI mean? What is the full form of KDSI?. Are you looking for What does KDSI mean? What is the full form of KDSI? What is KDSI stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of KDSI. The Full Form of KDSI is‍ Knowledge Delivery Systems Inc
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