What does LUCK mean? What is the full form of LUCK?

The Full Form of LUCK is Laboring Under Correct Knowledge.

 Luck stands for Laboring Under Correct Knowledge: A great strategy is key to getting lucky in business. The more systematic and scalable your approach is, the luckier you will get. Remember that even those whose programs get picked up by celebrities are not always at random. If it wasn’t for their effort growing their reach, that same celebrity wouldn’t have known anything about it. The same can be said about being featured on a major publication’s cover, you have to do work and get news coverage by smaller people in order to catch a big fish’s attention. At the end of the day, directly or indirectly, it is your effort that leads to the outcome created.



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Do you want to know What does LUCK mean? What is the full form of LUCK?. Are you looking for What does LUCK mean? What is the full form of LUCK? What is LUCK stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LUCK. The Full Form of LUCK is‍ Laboring Under Correct Knowledge
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What does LUCK mean? What is the full form of LUCK?
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