What does THSLC mean? What is the full form of THSLC?

The Full Form of THSLC is Technical High School Leaving Certificate.

school leaving qualification is an academic qualification awarded for the completion of high school. Depending on the country or region, it may alternatively be known as a high school diplomasenior secondary leaving certificatehigh school general certificate or school certificate (amongst other names).

Institutional requirements differ for obtaining a high school diploma or its equivalent. For example, some schools require that all students study a foreign language, and others do not. The number of years that students are required to attend school before earning a high school diploma, the difficulty level of the classes, and the types of classes vary significantly from place to place.

The Full Form of THSLC is Texas Health Science Libraries Consortium

Collectively, the Texas Health Science Libraries Consortium (THSLC) is the premier health sciences library resource in the world. We are the catalyst for the exchange of ideas to link people, information, and technology by developing, planning, and nurturing innovative programs. The THSLC leads and encourages collaboration through shared digital library environments and resources to provide access to the world of information for our educational, clinical, and research communities.

The Texas Health Science Libraries Consortium (THSLC) is the collaboration of health science libraries in the Houston-Galveston area. A long history of cooperative endeavors among the libraries provided a strong foundation for expanding the Consortium and formalizing its management in 1993.

The Consortium libraries have extensive collections in the fields of medicine, dentistry, cancer, public health, psychiatry, and the history of medicine. Reciprocal borrowing privileges are enjoyed by cardholders of the member libraries. The holdings of the Consortium libraries have been combined into a single shared online catalog.

The Houston libraries are located in the Texas Medical Center (TMC), which began in 1942 when the M.D.Anderson Cancer Center was built. The Baylor College of Medicine moved to Houston in 1943 and became the first educational facility in the TMC. The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston was established at this location in 1972. Its six major health-related schools make it the largest University of Texas (UT) biomedical site.

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, established in 1891, is one of 15 UT campuses. Its library, the Moody Medical Library, is the oldest academic medical library in Texas, and houses the largest and most significant collection in the history of the health sciences in the southern United States.

In 2006, the University of Texas Psychiatry Library closed and with drew from the THSLC.

Located in: Texas Medical Center
Address: 1400 Pressler St, Houston, TX 77030
Phone: (713) 745-5158



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