What does DUSU mean? What is the full form of DUSU?

The Full Form of DUSU is Delhi University Students Union.

The Delhi University Students Union is the representative body of the students from most colleges and faculties. Apart from this, each college has its own students union to which elections are held every year. The student elections are fought keenly and with great enthusiasm. In the past, several of the office bearers of Delhi University Students Union have gone on to hold public offices in State and central governments.

The elections to Delhi University Students Union are by direct voting by the students of the University and member Colleges. The elections are usually held in August -September of each year



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Do you want to know What does DUSU mean? What is the full form of DUSU?. Are you looking for What does DUSU mean? What is the full form of DUSU? What is DUSU stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of DUSU. The Full Form of DUSU is‍ Delhi University Students Union
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