What does RVG mean? What is the full form of RVG?

The Full Form of RVG is Radiovisiography.

A rapid, low-dose, digital imaging system using a small intraoral sensor instead of radiographic film, an intensifying screen, and a charge-coupled device. It presents the possibility of reduced patient exposure and minimal distortion, although resolution and latitude are inferior to standard dental radiography. A receiver is placed in the mouth, routing signals to a computer which images the signals on a screen or in print. It includes digitizing from x-ray film or any other detector. (From MEDLINE abstracts; personal communication from Dr. Charles Berthold, NIDR)



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Do you want to know What does RVG mean? What is the full form of RVG?. Are you looking for What does RVG mean? What is the full form of RVG? What is RVG stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of RVG. The Full Form of RVG is‍ Radiovisiography
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