What does NFDC mean? What is the full form of NFDC?

The Full Form of NFDC is National Film Development Corporation.

National Film Development Corporation of India is the central agency established to encourage the good cinema movement in the country. The primary goal of the NFDC is to plan, promote and organize an integrated and efficient development of the Indian film industry and foster excellence in cinema. Over the years NFDC has provided a wide range of services essential to the growth of Indian cinema. The NFDC (and its predecessor the Film Finance Corporation) has so far funded / produced over 300 films. These films, in various Indian languages, have been widely acclaimed and have won many national and international awards.



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Do you want to know What does NFDC mean? What is the full form of NFDC?. Are you looking for What does NFDC mean? What is the full form of NFDC? What is NFDC stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of NFDC. The Full Form of NFDC is‍ National Film Development Corporation
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What does NFDC mean? What is the full form of NFDC?
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