What does TOPS mean? What is the full form of TOPS?

The Full Form of TOPS is Total Operations Processing System.

Total Operations Processing System (TOPS) is a computer system for managing the locomotives and rolling stock owned by or operated on a rail system. It was originally developed by the Southern Pacific Railroad, the Stanford University and IBM and was introduced on the railroad in 1968;[1] despite being widely sold to the United States railroads, the system found greater success in the United Kingdom, where it has been used by British Rail (BR) and its successors.

Southern Pacific itself developed a newer system called the Terminal Information Processing System (TIPS), which replaced TOPS in 1980



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Do you want to know What does TOPS mean? What is the full form of TOPS?. Are you looking for What does TOPS mean? What is the full form of TOPS? What is TOPS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of TOPS. The Full Form of TOPS is‍ Total Operations Processing System
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