What does WQXGA mean? What is the full form of WQXGA?

The full form of WQXGA  is Wide Quad Extended Graphics Array

WQXGA has a screen resolution of 2560×1600 with 16:10 aspect ratio and the graphics consist of about 4.1 million pixels. As a result, WQXGA needs extremely high bandwidth and processing power to support its high pixel quantity. Monitors that are equipped with WQXGA also need dual-link DVI-capable cables and other devices that support a vertical resolution of 40Hz.




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Do you want to know What does WQXGA mean? What is the full form of WQXGA?. Are you looking for What does WQXGA mean? What is the full form of WQXGA? What is WQXGA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of WQXGA. The Full Form of WQXGA is‍ Wide Quad Extended Graphics Array
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What does WQXGA mean? What is the full form of WQXGA?
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