What does CDLA mean? What is the full form of CDLA?

The Full Form of CDLA is Continual Digital Lossless Audio.

CDLA stands for Continual Digital Lossless Audio and is a proprietary technology developed by LeEco in India. It is a technology which enables a music player device (mobile or dedicated player) to get rid of the 3.5 mm audio jack. This technology leverages USB-C port to connect to the headphone or earphone.  There are rumors that Apple is thinking about getting rid of the 3.5 mm audio jack in their next version of iPhone. 3.5 mm audio jack has been there since the age of the analog music players. Nothing much has changed in the 3.5 mm port technology. The CDLA is still a wired solution like the 3.5 mm audio jack. Bluetooth head phones is an option to replace 3.5 mm audio jack, but the quality of audio over wireless medium suffers a bit and it is not loss-less. So how does the CDLA help delivering better audio than 3.5 mm audio jack or a Bluetooth solution?



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Do you want to know What does CDLA mean? What is the full form of CDLA?. Are you looking for What does CDLA mean? What is the full form of CDLA? What is CDLA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of CDLA. The Full Form of CDLA is‍ Continual Digital Lossless Audio
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What does CDLA mean? What is the full form of CDLA?
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