What does PCPR mean? What is the full form of PCPR?

The Full Form of PCPR is Primary Care Payment Reform.

Primary care practices across the country are transforming the way they provide care—in some cases literally overnight—in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Practices are devising new protocols to isolate patients with possible COVID-19, navigating shortages of personal protective equipment, providing behavioral health support to patients with emotional distress from social isolation, and managing as much care as possible through telehealth. To better equip practices for such changes, primary care payment reform is needed, both to provide sufficient funds for transformation and to uncouple payment from the delivery of specific services.



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Do you want to know What does PCPR mean? What is the full form of PCPR?. Are you looking for What does PCPR mean? What is the full form of PCPR? What is PCPR stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of PCPR. The Full Form of PCPR is‍ Primary Care Payment Reform
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What does PCPR mean? What is the full form of PCPR?
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