What does ITV mean? What is the full form of ITV?

The Full Form of ITV is Independent Television.

ITV is a British free-to-air television network with its headquarters in London. It was launched in 1955 as Independent Television to provide competition to BBC Television, which had been established in 1932. ITV is the oldest commercial network in the UK. Since the passing of the Broadcasting Act 1990, its legal name has been Channel 3, to distinguish it from the other analogue channels at the time, namely BBC 1, BBC 2 and Channel 4.



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Do you want to know What does ITV mean? What is the full form of ITV?. Are you looking for What does ITV mean? What is the full form of ITV? What is ITV stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of ITV. The Full Form of ITV is‍ Independent Television
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What does ITV mean? What is the full form of ITV?
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