The Full Form of SPMU is State Project Management Unit.
Government of India and the World Bank have decided to provide Technical Assistance of Rs. 6147 crores in the Rural Drinking Water & Sanitation sector to the four lagging States viz. Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Jharkhand and Bihar of the country. The State of Uttar Pradesh has been included because of prevalent Water Quality problems in the Eastern part of the State. Out of the total amount of Rs. 6147 crores, Rs. 3073 crores will be received from the World Bank through the International Development Agency (IDA) as loan to the Government of India which will be given to the four States. Rs. 2032 crores will be given by the Government of India to the four States through the National Rural Drinking Water Programme. Rs. 995 crores will be provided by the States from their own resources and Rs. 47 crores will be contributed by the community towards capital cost sharing.
State Project Management Unit
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