What does HEFA mean? What is the full form of HEFA?

The Full Form of HEFA is‍ Higher Education Financing Agency.

Higher Education Financing Agency (HEFA) is a joint venture of MoE Government of India and Canara Bank for financing creation of capital assets in premier educational institutions in India as part of rising 2022 HEFA’s scope is greatly expanded to cover school education, educational institutes under Ministry of health etc.

HEFA is registered under Section 8 [ Not-for-profit] under the Companies Act 2013 as a Union Govt company and as Non–deposit taking Systematically Important (NBFC-ND-SI) with RBI.

HEFA incorporated on 31st May 2017, is a joint venture of MoE, GOI and Canara Bank with an agreed equity participation in the ratio of 90.91% and 09.09% respectively

Ours is a journey towards developing India’s top-ranked institutions like IIT’s, IIIT’s, NIT’s, IISCs, AIIMS into Globally top ranking institutions through improvement in their academic and infrastructure quality. We are particularly interested in financing the building of educational infrastructure, R&D infrastructure and thereby enabling the institutions to reach top rankings globally.




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Do you want to know What does HEFA mean? What is the full form of HEFA?. Are you looking for What does HEFA mean? What is the full form of HEFA? What is HEFA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of HEFA. The Full Form of HEFA is‍ Higher Education Financing Agency
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