What does EDCIL mean? What is the full form of EDCIL?

The Full Form of EDCIL is‍ Educational Consultants India Limited.

Educational Consultants India Limited EdCIL is a Public Sector Undertaking in India under administrative control of the Ministry of Human Resource Development. It is a Miniratna-I category company.

EdCIL (India) Limited is a Mini Ratna Category-1 CPSE continously profit making and fast growing CPSE under Ministry of Human Resource Development offering management and consultancy services in all areas of education and human resource development, both within India and overseas. The company has in the recent past registered rapid growth with the turnover having more than doubled to Rs 175 crores in FY 15-16.

Clients of EdCIL include most State and Central Govt. Departments including MHRD, PSUs and autonomous bodies including IITs, IIMs, IIITs, Kendriya Vidyalaya and Navodaya Vidyalaya. EdCIL (India) Limited has successfully managed projects in countries with economic and political landscapes as diverse as their culture.

 Their expertise holds special relevance for the education sectors globally with specific, tailor-made programs for the Afro-Asian countries.

Their strength lies in tailoring solutions to match exacting ground realities, which speaks volumes of the organizations commitment to educational values.

Vision To be the most trusted project management and consultancy organization offering educational and human resource consultancy services.



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Do you want to know What does EDCIL mean? What is the full form of EDCIL?. Are you looking for What does EDCIL mean? What is the full form of EDCIL? What is EDCIL stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of EDCIL. The Full Form of EDCIL is‍ Educational Consultants India Limited
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What does EDCIL mean? What is the full form of EDCIL?
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