What does SCBS mean? What is the full form of SCBS?

The Full Form of SCBS is‍ Scheduled Commercial Banks.

The scheduled commercial banks are those banks which are included in the second schedule of RBI Act 1934 and which carry out the normal business of banking such as accepting deposits, giving out loans and other banking services. The major difference between Scheduled Commercial Banks and Scheduled Cooperative Banks is their holding pattern, since cooperatives are registered under the Cooperative Societies Act as cooperative credit institutions.

Scheduled Commercial Banks can be further divided into four groups:

  • Public Sector Banks: This includes:
    • SBI & Associates
    • Nationalized Banks
    • Other Public Sector Banks
  • Private Banks
  • Foreign Banks
  • Regional Rural Banks



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Do you want to know What does SCBS mean? What is the full form of SCBS?. Are you looking for What does SCBS mean? What is the full form of SCBS? What is SCBS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of SCBS. The Full Form of SCBS is‍ Scheduled Commercial Banks
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What does SCBS mean? What is the full form of SCBS?
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