What does AIN’T mean? What is the full form of AIN’T?

The full form of AIN’T is Is Not.

  1. 1.
    used with an auxiliary verb or “be” to form the negative.
    “he would not say”
  2. 2.
    used as a short substitute for a negative clause.
    “maybe I’ll regret it, but I hope not”
  1.  Boolean operator with only one variable that has the value one when the variable is zero and vice versa.
  1. ART
    (of paper) not hot-pressed, and having a slightly textured surface.

The following 3 entries include the term is not.

it is not every day

used to say that something happens very rarely

used to say that someone’s lack of success is not due to a failure to try to succeed

used to say that a person will have less chance of success because he or she has to do something very soon



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Do you want to know What does AIN’T mean? What is the full form of AIN’T?. Are you looking for What does AIN’T mean? What is the full form of AIN’T? What is AIN’T stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of AIN’T. The Full Form of AIN’T is‍ Is Not
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What does AIN’T mean? What is the full form of AIN’T?
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