What does BOR mean? What is the full form of BOR?

The full form of BOR is Bank of Rajasthan

The Bank of Rajasthan Ltd (Hindi: बैन्क ओफ राजस्थान) (BSE: / (500019 ) was a private sector bank of India which merged with ICICI Bank in 2010.

It was set up at Udaipur in 1943 with an initial capital of Rs. 10.00 lacs. An eminent industrialist named Seth Shri Govindram Seksaria was the founder chairman and Late Shri Dwarka Prasad Gupta was the first General Manager. It was classified as the Scheduled Bank in 1948. The Bank also established a rural (Gramin) bank Mewar Anchlik Gramin Bank in Udaipur District in Rajasthan on 26 January 1983.

The bank’s central office is located at Jaipur, although its registered office is in Udaipur. Presently the bank has 463 branches, in 24 states, with 294 of the branches being in Rajasthan.



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