What does PWD mean? What is the full form of PWD?

The full form of PWD is Public Works Department. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in Worldwide

Public Works Department (PWD) is a government department which is responsible for construction and maintenance of public infrastructure like roads, public government building, bridges, public transport, drinking water systems and much more.

Public Works Department delhi is the premier agency of Govt. of NCT of Delhi engaged in planning, designing, construction and maintenance of Government assets in the field of built environment and infrastructure development. Assets in built environment include Hospitals, Schools, Colleges, Technical Institutes, Police Buildings, Prisons, Courts etc; assets in infrastructure development include Roads, Bridges, Flyovers, Footpaths, Subways, Foot Over Bridges etc. PWD Delhi also sustains and preserves these assets through a well developed system of maintenance which includes amongst others specialized services like rehabilitation works, roads signage and aesthetic treatments like interiors, monument lighting, landscaping etc. PWD Delhi carries out its activities of assets creation on the basis of the needs and requirement decided by the Govt. of Delhi and as assessed & appreciated by the PWD through its in house technical expertise. Works are carried out after obtaining formal administrative approval and expenditure sanction from the Govt. of Delhi within the allotted funds for the schemes.

The governing principle behind the our sphere of activities is to ensure that the asset is durable, functionally efficient , serves the intended purpose, is created within the reasonable time period, is in conformity with the declared policies of the Government, and would satisfy the user, the government and the public at large.

With a view to provide a green and pollution free Delhi, PWD has been nurturing lakhs of tress, plants & shrubs and thousand acres of lawns & gardens on PWD roads, Govt. Colonies & Offices premises.



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Do you want to know What does PWD mean? What is the full form of PWD?. Are you looking for What does PWD mean? What is the full form of PWD? What is PWD stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of PWD. The Full Form of PWD is‍ Public Works Department
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