What does DEAR mean? What is the full form of DEAR?

1, The full form of DEAR is Drop Everything And Read. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Universities & Institutions in Worldwide

Sustained silent reading (SSR) is a form of school-based recreational reading, or free voluntary reading, where students read silently in a designated time period every day in school. An underlying assumption of SSR is that students learn to read by reading constantly. Successful models of SSR typically allow students to select their own books and require neither testing for comprehension nor book reports. Schools have implemented SSR under a variety of names, such as “Drop Everything and Read (DEAR)” or “Free Uninterrupted Reading (FUR)”.

2, The full form of DEAR is Diamond Emerald Amethyst Ruby. It’s used on Society & Culture ,Fashion & Lifestyle in Worldwide

Diamond, Emerald, Amethyst, and Ruby (DEAR) is a kind of jewellery made with stones like Diamond, Emerald, Amethyst, and Ruby.



Drop Everything And Readhow to pronounce Drop Everything And Read

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Diamond Emerald Amethyst Rubyhow to pronounce Diamond Emerald Amethyst Ruby

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Do you want to know What does DEAR mean? What is the full form of DEAR?. Are you looking for What does DEAR mean? What is the full form of DEAR? What is DEAR stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of DEAR. The Full Form of DEAR is‍ Drop Everything And Read, Diamond Emerald Amethyst Ruby
You also might want to know: how to pronounce DEAR, how to pronounce Drop Everything And Read, how to pronounce Diamond Emerald Amethyst Ruby,
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What does DEAR mean? What is the full form of DEAR?
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