What does ECID mean? What is the full form of ECID?

1, The full form of ECID is Exclusive Chip ID. It’s used on Technology ,Specifications & Standards in Worldwide

Exclusive Chip ID (ECID) is unique chip identification associated with iOS device. Whenever an iOS device is connected to iTunes to restore or update iOS firmware, the ECID is sent to Apple servers for authentication and iTunes will proceed to restore the device only if the ECID authentication is complete.

2, The full form of ECID is Execution Context ID. It’s used on Computing ,Sofware & Applications in Worldwide

Execution Context ID (ECID) is a unique identifier to correlate events or requests associated with the same transaction across several Oracle components.



Exclusive Chip IDhow to pronounce Exclusive Chip ID

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Do you want to know What does ECID mean? What is the full form of ECID?. Are you looking for What does ECID mean? What is the full form of ECID? What is ECID stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of ECID. The Full Form of ECID is‍ Exclusive Chip ID, Execution Context ID
You also might want to know: how to pronounce ECID, how to pronounce Exclusive Chip ID, how to pronounce Execution Context ID,
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What does ECID mean? What is the full form of ECID?
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