Difference Between Catalog and Catalogue in English Usage

September 21, 2024
Difference Between Catalog and Catalogue in English Usage

Difference Between Catalog and Catalogue in English Usage

Difference Between Catalog and Catalogue

Both “catalog” and “catalogue” mean the same thing. They are lists of things, like books in a library or products in a store. The main difference is how people in different countries spell the word.


The word comes from the Greek word “kata” (down) and “legein” (to choose). In old times, people in England used “catalogue” with “ue” at the end. When people in America started speaking English, they made some words shorter. So, Americans use “catalog” without “ue”.

How to Use

“Catalog” is used in the United States. “Catalogue” is used in the United Kingdom and other places that follow British English.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Think of “catalog” as the shorter version for the USA. If you’re writing to someone in America, use “catalog”. If you’re writing to someone in the UK, use “catalogue”.

Examples of Catalog

  • I need to check the library catalog for the book.
  • Did you receive the new product catalog in the mail?
  • The museum has a catalog of all its paintings.
  • You can find the catalog online.
  • She always keeps a catalog of her favorite recipes.

Examples of Catalogue

  • The library’s catalogue is very detailed.
  • We just got the new winter clothes catalogue.
  • The film festival’s catalogue lists all the movies.
  • He maintains a catalogue of all his coin collections.
  • Can you show me the company’s latest catalogue?


“Catalog” is the American way to spell the word. “Catalogue” is the British way. Both words mean a list of items. Use “catalog” for America and “catalogue” for the UK and British English areas.