Understanding the Difference Between Inequality and Inequity

October 08, 2024
Understanding the Difference Between Inequality and Inequity

Understanding the Difference Between Inequality and Inequity

Understanding Inequality vs. Inequity

History of the Words

The words inequality and inequity both come from the prefix “in-” meaning “not” and relate to fairness and balance. Although they sound similar, they have different meanings and uses today.

What Does Inequality Mean?

Inequality refers to an uneven or unfair situation, where things are not equal. This word is often used to describe differences in size, number, amount, or opportunity.

Examples of Inequality

  • There is inequality in pay between men and women.
  • The inequality in education makes it hard for some children to succeed.
  • There is inequality in health care among different countries.
  • The rich and poor experience inequality in access to resources.
  • Fixing inequality is important for a fair society.

What Does Inequity Mean?

Inequity means unfairness or injustice. It is about situations not being fair or right, focusing more on the moral side of things.

Examples of Inequity

  • The inequity in the legal system can affect people of different races.
  • She was upset by the inequity in how her parents treated her compared to her brother.
  • Efforts to reduce inequity in education help create equal chances.
  • Inequity is seen when rules are applied unfairly to different groups.
  • Working towards equity helps in solving social inequity.

Trick to Remember the Difference

To remember the difference, think of inequality as dealing with numbers and size differences and inequity as dealing with fairness and rightness. Inequality is about what is out of balance, and inequity is about what feels wrong or unfair.


Both inequality and inequity refer to unfair situations, but they focus on different aspects. Inequality talks about differences in numbers and size, such as income or resources. Inequity is about unfairness or injustice, focusing on moral fairness. Understanding these differences helps us use the right word when talking about social issues.