Differentiating the Terms: “Ball” and “Bawl” – A Simple Guide

October 24, 2024
Differentiating the Terms:

Differentiating the Terms: “Ball” and “Bawl” – A Simple Guide

Understanding the Words “Ball” vs. “Bawl”

History of the Words

“Ball” comes from the Old Norse word “bollr” and has been used for a long time to mean a round object used in games and sports. “Bawl” comes from the old Middle English word “bawlen,” which means to cry or shout loudly.

How to Use the Words

“Ball” is a noun and is used to talk about a round object that people play with. It is also used in phrases like “have a ball,” which means to have fun.

“Bawl” is a verb and is used to talk about crying or shouting in a very loud way. When someone “bawls,” they are not just crying; they are making a lot of noise.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Remember, “Ball” has two “L’s” like “roll,” and a ball rolls. “Bawl” has “aw” and makes you think of “aww” when someone cries.

Example Sentences for “Ball”

  • The boy kicked the soccer ball across the field.
  • We need a ball to play basketball.
  • The cat chased the ball of yarn around the room.
  • Playing with the ball in the park was fun.
  • She threw the ball high in the air.

Example Sentences for “Bawl”

  • The baby began to bawl when it was time for bed.
  • She started to bawl after she scraped her knee.
  • Please do not bawl so loudly; everyone can hear you.
  • He began to bawl when he lost his favorite toy.
  • Sometimes, kids bawl because they are tired.


“Ball” is a noun used for round objects that are often used in play and games. “Bawl” is a verb that describes loud crying or shouting. Remembering that “ball” relates to rolling and play, while “bawl” relates to crying sounds, can help you choose the right word.