The words “honor” and “honour” both mean high respect or great esteem. They are used to show that you think someone is very good and should be respected. The main difference between them is how they are spelled.
The word “honour” comes from Old French “honor,” and from Latin “honor.” Over time, English speakers in different places changed the spelling. People in America use “honor,” while people in the UK and other countries like Canada and Australia use “honour.”
Both words are nouns. You use them when you talk about respect and esteem. Sometimes, they are also used as verbs, meaning to show respect.
To remember the difference, think about where you are or where the writing is from. If it is from the US, use “honor” without the “u.” If it is from the UK, Canada, or Australia, use “honour” with the “u.”
Both “honor” and “honour” mean the same thing. “Honor” is used in American English, while “honour” is used in British English and other Commonwealth countries. Remembering where the writing is from will help you use the right word.
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