In English, we use “Miss” or “Mrs.” before a woman’s name. These words show whether a woman is married or not. Let’s learn how to use them!
The word “Miss” comes from the old word “Mistress,” which was used for all women. Over time, it changed to mean a young, unmarried woman. “Mrs.” is also short for “Mistress,” but it means a woman who is married. So, these words help us know if a woman is married or not.
We use “Miss” before the name of a young, unmarried woman. It’s polite to call a young girl or woman “Miss.” We do not need to know their full name.
We use “Mrs.” before the name of a married woman. It shows respect and tells us she has a husband.
Remember, “Miss” is for young women who are not married. “Mrs.” is for women who are married. Think of the “r” in “Mrs.” as a “ring,” like a wedding ring!
“Miss” is used for young, unmarried women. “Mrs.” is used for married women. These words help us show respect and know a little more about a woman’s life.
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