1, The full form of GPA is Grade Point Average The full form of GPA is Grade Point Average. It is also referred to as a cumulative grade point average (CGPA). It is a scoring system used to measure student performance in an
The full form of EGR is Exhaust Gas Recirculation Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) is an emission control technology allowing significant NOx emission reductions from most types of diesel engines: from light-duty engines
The full form of EIR is Equipment Identity Register A handset theft problem exists in GSM networks in many countries. A person obtains a legitimate subscription to a network, and then obtains a legitimate IMSI, MSISDN, and
The full form of ESC is Electronic Stability Control Electronic stability control (ESC), also referred to as electronic stability program (ESP) or dynamic stability control (DSC), is a computerized technology that improves
The full form of ESMR is Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) may be an analog or digital trunked two-way radio system, operated by a service in the VHF, 220, UHF, 700, 800 or 900 MHz bands. Some
The full form of ETACS is Extended TACS Total Access Communication System (TACS) and ETACS are mostly-obsolete variants of Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) which was announced as the choice for the first two UK national
The full form of ETDMA is Extended Time Division Multiple Access TDMA can operate as wideband or narrowband. In the wideband TDMA, the entire spectrum is used by each individual user. For the wideband TDMA, multiple access
The full form of EVRV is Electronic Vacuum Regulator Valve The Model 487 Electronic Vacuum Regulator is designed to accept a user’s analog control signal generated from a user’s electronic system or potentiometer
The full form of F.O.R is Freight on Road Road Freight is the physical process of transporting cargo by road using motor vehicles. In this case, road is a lane/route between the point of departure and the point of
The full form of FCD is Fully Convertible Debentures A fully convertible debenture (FCD) is a type of debt security in which the entire value is convertible into equity shares at the issuer’s notice. The ratio of
The full form of FCNRA is Foreign Currency Non resident Account. FCNR stands for Foreign Currency Non Resident Account (Banks) This is a kind of fixed deposit account opened for depositing income earned overseas. The account
1, The full form of EDP is Electronic Data Processing The full form of EDP is Electronic Data Processing. It is the automatic processing of data by a computer and its programs in an environment that involves electronic