1, The full form of CSP is Concentrated Solar Power. It’s used on Technology ,Energy & Recycling in Worldwide Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) or Concentrating Solar Power, refers to large-scale solar thermal
1, The full form of ADCA is Advance Diploma in Computer Applications. Advance Diploma in Computer Applications (ADCA)- refers to the collective hardware, software and processes that enable automation of the information
1, The full form of OTP is One Time Password. It’s used on Computing ,Security in Worldwide One Time Password (OTP) is a unique security code generated through a validation network, that offer an additional level of
The full form of INTERPOL is International Criminal Police Organization. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Governmental Organizations in Worldwide International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) is a
1, The full form of BSI is British Standards Institution. It’s used on Business ,Services in Worldwide BSI Group, also known in its home market as the British Standards Institution (or BSI), is a multinational business
The full form of PVSM is Param Vishisht Seva Medal. It’s used on Governmental ,Military in India Param Vishisht Seva Medal (PVSM) is a military award of India given to recognize “distinguished service of the most
The full form of ALU is Arithmetic Logic Unit. It’s used on Computing ,Hardware in Worldwide In computing, an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical operations.
The full form of Dojo is Japanese term which literally means “place of the way”. It’s used on Sports & Games ,Martial Arts in Worldwide A Dojo is a Japanese term which literally means “place of the way”. Dojo
The full form of Oxfam is Oxford Committee for Famine Relief. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,International Orgaizations in Worldwide Oxfam, originally founded in Oxford as the Oxford Committee for
The full form of UNFPA is United Nations Population Fund. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,International Orgaizations in United Nations United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), formerly United Nations Fund
The full form of IIT-JEE is Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Exams & Tests in India Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination
The full form of Bull is Named after its founder, Fredrik Rosing Bull. It’s used on Business ,Companies & Corporations in France Bull SAS (also known as Groupe Bull, Bull Information Systems, or simply Bull) is a