What does AIM mean? What is the full form of AIM?

1, The full form of AIM is Alternative Investment Market. It’s used on Business ,Stock Market in United Kingdom

Alternative Investment Market (AIM) is a stock market launched in June 1995 in London for smaller growing companies which would not normally qualify for listing on the main market.

2, The full form of AIM is AOL Instant Messenger. It’s used on Computing ,Sofware & Applications in Worldwide

AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) was an Instant Messaging (IM) application and service supplied by AOL Inc.

3, The full form of AIM is American Indian Movement. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Regional Organizations in United States

American Indian Movement (AIM) is a Native American advocacy group in the United States, founded in 1968 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

4, The full form of AIM is Asian Institute of Management. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Universities & Institutions in Philippines

Asian Institute of Management (AIM) is a private research university and graduate school of business and public affairs, located in Makati City, Philippines.

5, The full form of AIM is Accuracy In Media. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Regional Organizations in United States

Accuracy In Media (AIM) is an American, politically conservative non-profit news media organization founded in 1969 by economist Reed Irvine.

6, The full form of AIM is American Institute of Mathematics. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Professional Associations in United States

American Institute of Mathematics (AIM), a non-profit mathematics research institute, located in Palo Alto, California, United States.

7, The full form of AIM is Access for Infants & Mothers. It’s used on Governmental ,Policies & Programs in Canada

Access for Infants & Mothers (AIM) program provides low cost health insurance coverage to uninsured, middle income pregnant women.

8, The full form of AIM is Africa Inland Mission. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Religious Organizations in Worldwide

Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is a nondenominational Christian mission organisation focusing on Africa and islands in the Indian Ocean.

9, The full form of AIM is Apple, IBM, and Motorola. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Technological Organizations in Worldwide

Apple, IBM, and Motorola (AIM) alliance was an alliance formed on October 2, 1991, between Apple Inc., IBM, and Motorola to create a new computing standard based on the PowerPC architecture.

10, The full form of AIM is Achievement Improvement Monitor . It’s used on Academic & Science ,Exams & Tests in Australia

Achievement Improvement Monitor (AIM) program was a testing scheme used to monitor the development of literacy and numeracy skills of school students in Victoria, Australia.



Alternative Investment Markethow to pronounce Alternative Investment Market

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AOL Instant Messengerhow to pronounce AOL Instant Messenger

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American Indian Movementhow to pronounce American Indian Movement

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Asian Institute of Managementhow to pronounce Asian Institute of Management

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Accuracy In Mediahow to pronounce Accuracy In Media

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American Institute of Mathematicshow to pronounce American Institute of Mathematics

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Access for Infants & Mothershow to pronounce Access for Infants & Mothers

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Africa Inland Missionhow to pronounce Africa Inland Mission

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Apple, IBM, and Motorolahow to pronounce Apple, IBM, and Motorola

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Achievement Improvement Monitor how to pronounce Achievement Improvement Monitor

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Do you want to know What does AIM mean? What is the full form of AIM?. Are you looking for What does AIM mean? What is the full form of AIM? What is AIM stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of AIM. The Full Form of AIM is‍ Alternative Investment Market, AOL Instant Messenger, American Indian Movement, Asian Institute of Management, Accuracy In Media, American Institute of Mathematics, Access for Infants & Mothers, Africa Inland Mission, Apple, IBM, and Motorola, Achievement Improvement Monitor
You also might want to know: how to pronounce AIM, how to pronounce Alternative Investment Market, how to pronounce AOL Instant Messenger, how to pronounce American Indian Movement, how to pronounce Asian Institute of Management, how to pronounce Accuracy In Media, how to pronounce American Institute of Mathematics, how to pronounce Access for Infants & Mothers, how to pronounce Africa Inland Mission, how to pronounce Apple, IBM, and Motorola, how to pronounce Achievement Improvement Monitor ,
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Showing the full form of AIM:‍ 'Alternative Investment Market, AOL Instant Messenger, American Indian Movement, Asian Institute of Management, Accuracy In Media, American Institute of Mathematics, Access for Infants & Mothers, Africa Inland Mission, Apple, IBM, and Motorola, Achievement Improvement Monitor ' on your site.
What does AIM mean? What is the full form of AIM?
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