What does APICS mean? What is the full form of APICS?

The Full Form of APICS is‍ American Production and Inventory Control Society.

At APICS, we know that there’s more to supply chain than management, more to performance than process and more to people than position descriptions.

The world of supply chain management never stops advancing — and neither should supply chain professionals or their organizations. Wrapping the world, supply chains both enable and inspire human and economic possibility. However, to reach their potential they require savvy operators, supervisors and leaders with the necessary knowledge and know-how.

APICS fills this gap. We’re known for our ability to develop supply chain talent and elevate  end-to-end supply chain performance. Nobody does this better than we do. From education and certification to benchmarking and best practices, APICS sets the industry standard.

We are essential partners in transforming the way people do business, drive growth, and reach global customers.It’s complex and it’s simple. We develop people, people improve supply chains, supply chains improve companies and the whole world economy benefits. Together with our members, partners and customers, we are united in our commitment to global supply chain excellence, innovation and resilience — achieved one person and one supply chain at a time.

In 1957, 20 production control managers formed the American Production and Inventory Control Society. The organization, which later became known as APICS, has since grown to more than 45,000 members and is now a global entity with nearly 300 channel partners that connect with members in over 100 countries.

APICS has evolved into a strategic partner to global corporations and individuals at all career levels. APICS education programs ensure employees can be successful even when managing the largest and most complex supply chains.



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Do you want to know What does APICS mean? What is the full form of APICS?. Are you looking for What does APICS mean? What is the full form of APICS? What is APICS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of APICS. The Full Form of APICS is‍ American Production and Inventory Control Society
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What does APICS mean? What is the full form of APICS?
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