What does AQL mean? What is the full form of AQL?

The Full Form of AQL is‍ Acceptance Quality Limit.

It is defined as the worst quality level in a process that is considered to be acceptable for a product from a given sample size in a particular lot or population size. In other words it is the maximum number of defective goods or non-conformities acceptable for a client in a sample size.

Mathematical Expression

Non Conformities per 100 items is expressed as one hundred times the number of non-conformities in a lot or population divided by lot or population size

100p=100 D/N

Where p= number of non-conformities per item

D=number of non-conformities per item

N=lot or population size



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Do you want to know What does AQL mean? What is the full form of AQL?. Are you looking for What does AQL mean? What is the full form of AQL? What is AQL stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of AQL. The Full Form of AQL is‍ Acceptance Quality Limit
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