What does ASIMO mean? What is the full form of ASIMO?

The Full Form of ASIO is Advanced Step in Innovative MObility.

ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility) is a humanoid robot created by Honda in 2000. It is currently displayed in the Miraikan museum in Tokyo, Japan. On July 8, 2018, Honda posted the last update of Asimo through their official page stating that it would be ceasing all development and production of Asimo robots in order to focus on more practical applications using the technology developed through Asimo’s lifespan. The name was chosen in honor of Isaac Asimov.



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Do you want to know What does ASIMO mean? What is the full form of ASIMO?. Are you looking for What does ASIMO mean? What is the full form of ASIMO? What is ASIMO stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of ASIMO. The Full Form of ASIMO is‍ Advanced Step in Innovative MObility
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What does ASIMO mean? What is the full form of ASIMO?
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