What does AWGN mean? What is the full form of AWGN?

The Full Form of AWGN is Additive white Gaussian noise.

Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) is a basic noise model used in information theory to mimic the effect of many random processes that occur in nature. Wideband noise comes from many natural noise sources, such as the thermal vibrations of atoms in conductors (referred to as thermal noise or Johnson–Nyquist noise), shot noise, black-body radiation from the earth and other warm objects, and from celestial sources such as the Sun. The central limit theorem of probability theory indicates that the summation of many random processes will tend to have distribution called Gaussian or Normal.



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Do you want to know What does AWGN mean? What is the full form of AWGN?. Are you looking for What does AWGN mean? What is the full form of AWGN? What is AWGN stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of AWGN. The Full Form of AWGN is‍ Additive white Gaussian noise
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What does AWGN mean? What is the full form of AWGN?
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