What does BBQ mean? What is the full form of BBQ?

The full form of BBQ is Barbecue. It’s used on Society & Culture ,Home & Garden in Worldwide

Barbecue (BBQ) or Barbeque or Bar-B-Que (BBQ), is a method and apparatus for cooking meat, poultry and occasionally fish with the heat and hot smoke of a fire, smoking wood, or hot coals of charcoal. BBQ involves cooking using smoke at low temperature and long cooking time.

Barbecue is probably the world’s oldest cooking method and that is the only thing about it that is beyond dispute (see my companion article on The Story of Barbecue and the Origin of the Word). Everything else about barbecue is controversial and in some quarters likely to start a fight.



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Do you want to know What does BBQ mean? What is the full form of BBQ?. Are you looking for What does BBQ mean? What is the full form of BBQ? What is BBQ stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of BBQ. The Full Form of BBQ is‍ Barbecue
You also might want to know: how to pronounce BBQ, how to pronounce Barbecue,
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What does BBQ mean? What is the full form of BBQ?
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