What does BDA mean? What is the full form of BDA?

1, The full form of BDA is Battle Damage Assessment. It’s used on Governmental ,Military in Worldwide

Bomb damage assessment (BDA), also known as battle damage assessment, is the practice of assessing damage inflicted on a target from a stand-off weapon, most typically a bomb or air launched missile. It is part of the larger discipline of combat assessment.

2, The full form of BDA is Bangalore Development Authority. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in India

The Bangalore Development Authority was established on 6th January 1976 under the BDA Act 1976.The Authority was set up with the primary objective of fulfilling the Planning functions of the city. Prior to this the planning functions of Bangalore were vested in the hands of the City Improvement Trust Board

Initially the planning and development of the city was the responsibility of the CITB. The Bangalore Development Authority was formed with the aim of creating good quality infrastructure, providing sites for residential and commercial purposes and providing homes to the under privileged citizens of the city.

Since its establishment the Bangalore Development Authority has allotted 76,000 sites spread across the city to different individuals for the purpose of residential construction. The Authority has also constructed a number of civic amenity sites like hospitals and other organizations catering to the specific needs of the people of Bangalore.

3, The full form of BDA is Bhubaneswar Development Authority. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in India

Bhubaneswar Development Authority is a statutory agency which is responsible for development and beautification of Bhubaneswar, the capital city of Odisha. It was established on 1 September 1983. BDA is responsible for creating development plans, regulating development and use of land, undertaking works pertaining to construction of housing colonies, commercial complexes and providing public amenities like water supply, drainage, sewerage, and transportation, social facilities etc. Apart from the main city, Bhubaneswar, BDA covers 556 revenue villages covering an area of about 1110 km².

4, The full form of BDA is BIOS Data Area. It’s used on Computing ,Hardware in Worldwide

The BIOS Data Area (BDA) is a section of memory located at segment 0040h which stores variables indicating information about the state of the computer.

When the computer is powered-on, the BIOS Data Area is created by POST at memory location 0040:0000h (000400h) with a size of 256 bytes (0040:0000h-0040:00FFh). This area contains information about the system configuration.

Offset Description Size BIOS Service
00h Base I/O address serial port 1 (COM1) 2 bytes Int 14h
02h Base I/O address serial port 2 (COM2) 2 bytes Int 14h
04h Base I/O address serial port 3 (COM3) 2 bytes Int 14h
06h Base I/O address serial port 4 (COM4) 2 bytes Int 14h
08h Base I/O address parallel port 1 (LPT1) 2 bytes Int 17h
0Ah Base I/O address parallel port 2 (LPT2) 2 bytes Int 17h
0Ch Base I/O address parallel port 3 (LPT3) 2 bytes Int 17h
0Eh Base I/O address parallel port 4 (LPT4) (PC/XT only)
Extended BIOS Data Area Segment address
2 bytes POST
10h Equipment word

Bits 15-14 Number of installed parallel ports
00b none
01b 1 parallel port
10b 2 parallel ports
11b 3 parallel ports
Bits 13-12 reserved
Bits 11-9 Number of installed serial ports
000b none
001b 1 serial port
010b 2 serial ports
011b 3 serial ports
100b 4 serial ports
Bit 8 reserved
Bits 7-6 Number of installed floppy drives (if bit 0 = 1)
0b 1 floppy drive
1b 2 floppy drives
Bits 5-4 Initial video mode
00b EGA or later
01b color 40×25
10b color 80×25
11b monochrome 80×25
Bit 3 reserved
Bit 2 PS/2 or compatible mouse
0b not installed
1b installed
Bit 1 Math coprocessor
0b not installed
1b installed
Bit 0 Boot floppy drive
0b not installed
1b installed
2 bytes Int 11h
12h Interrupt flagManufacturing test 1 byte POST
13h Memory size in Kb 2 bytes Int 12h
15h Error codes (AT+)Adapter memory size (PC, XT) 2 bytes
17h Keyboard shift flags 1

Bit 7 0/1b Insert off/on
Bit 6 0/1b CapsLock off/on
Bit 5 0/1b NumLock off/on
Bit 4 0/1b ScrollLock off/on
Bit 3 0/1b Alt key up/down
Bit 2 0/1b Control key up/down
Bit 1 0/1b Left shift key up/down
Bit 0 0/1b Right shift key up/down
1 byte Int 16h
18h Keyboard shift flags 2

Bit 7 0/1b Insert key up/down
Bit 6 0/1b CapsLock key up/down
Bit 5 0/1b NumLock key up/down
Bit 4 0/1b ScrollLock key up/down
Bit 3 0/1b Pause deactivated/activated
Bit 2 0/1b SysReq key up/down
Bit 1 0/1b Left Alt key up/down
Bit 0 0/1b Right Alt key up/down
1 byte Int 16h
19h Alt-Numpad work area 1 byte Int 09h
1Ah Pointer to the address of the next character in the keyboard buffer 2 bytes Int 16h
1Ch Pointer to the address of the last character in the keyboard buffer 2 bytes Int 16h
1Eh Keyboard buffer 32 bytes Int 16h
3Eh Floppy disk drive calibration status

Bits 7-4 0000b reserved
Bit 3 Floppy drive 3 (PC, XT)
Bit 2 Floppy drive 2 (PC, XT)
Bit 1 Floppy drive 1
Bit 0 Floppy drive 0
0b not calibrated
1b calibrated
1 byte Int 13h
3Fh Floppy disk drive motor status

Bit 7 Current operation
0b read or verify
1b write or format
Bit 6 not used
Bits 5-4 Drive select
00b Drive 0
01b Drive 1
10b Drive 2 (PC, XT)
11b Drive 3 (PC, XT)
Bit 3 Drive 3 motor (PC, XT)
Bit 2 Drive 2 motor (PC, XT)
Bit 1 Drive 1 motor
Bit 0 Drive 0 motor
0b motor off
1b motor on
1 byte Int 13h
40h Floppy disk drive motor timeout 1 byte Int 13h
41h Floppy disk drive status

Bit 7 0b drive ready
1b drive not ready (time out)
Bit 6 0b no seek error
1b seek error detected
Bit 5 0b floppy disk controller OK
1b floppy disk controller failed
Bits 4-0 Error codes
00000b no errors
00001b illegal function requested
00010b address mark not found
00011b write protect error
00100b sector not found
00110b diskette change line active
01000b DMA overrun
01001b DMA boundary error
01100b unknown media type
10000b CRC error during read
1 byte Int 13h
42h Hard disk and floppy disk controller status register 0

Bits 7-6 Interrupt code
00b command completed normally
01b command terminated abnormally
10b attempt of invalid command
11b abnormal termination, ready line on, or diskette changed
Bit 5 0b seek command not completed
1b seek command completed
Bit 4 0b no drive fault
1b drive fault
Bit 3 0b drive ready
1b drive not ready
Bit 2 Head state when interrupt occurred
Bit 1-0 Drive select
00b drive 0
01b drive 1
10b drive 2 (PC, XT)
11b drive 3 (PC, XT)
1 byte Int 13h
43h Floppy disk controller status register 1

Bit 7-0 00000000b no errors
Bit 7 1b attempted access beyond last cylinder
Bit 6 0b not used
Bit 5 1b CRC error during read
Bit 4 1b DMA overrun
Bit 3 0b not used
Bit 2 1b sector not found or reading diskette ID failed
Bit 1 1b medium write protected
Bit 0 1b missing address mark
1 byte Int 13h
44h Floppy disk controller status register 2

Bit 7 0b not used
Bit 6 1b deleted data address mark
Bit 5 1b CRC error detected
Bit 4 1b wrong cylinder
Bit 3 1b condition of equal during verify
Bit 2 1b sector not found during verify
Bit 1 1b bad cylinder
Bit 0 1b address mark not found during read
1 byte Int 13h
45h Floppy disk controller: cylinder number 1 byte Int 13h
46h Floppy disk controller: head number 1 byte Int 13h
47h Floppy disk controller: sector number 1 byte Int 13h
48h Floppy disk controller: number of byte written
49h Active video mode setting 1 byte Int 10h
4Ah Number of textcolumns per row for the active video mode 2 bytes Int 10h
4Ch Size of the active video page in bytes 2 bytes Int 10h
4Eh Offset address of the active video page relative to the start of video RAM 2 bytes Int 10h
50h Cursor position for video page 0 2 bytes Int 10h
52h Cursor position for video page 1 2 bytes Int 10h
54h Cursor position for video page 2 2 bytes Int 10h
56h Cursor position for video page 3 2 bytes Int 10h
58h Cursor position for video page 4 2 bytes Int 10h
5Ah Cursor position for video page 5 2 bytes Int 10h
5Ch Cursor position for video page 6 2 bytes Int 10h
5Eh Cursor position for video page 7 2 bytes Int 10h
60h Cursor shape 2 bytes Int 10h
62h Active video page 1 byte Int 10h
63h I/O port address of the video display adapter 2 bytes Int 10h
65h Video display adapter internal mode register

Bit 7 0b not used
Bit 6 0b not used
Bit 5 0b attribute bit controls background intensity
1b attribute bit controls blinking
Bit 4 1b mode 6 graphics operation
Bit 3 0b video signal disabled
1b video signal enabled
Bit 2 0b color operation
1b monochrome operation
Bit 1 1b mode 4/5 graphics operation
Bit 0 1b mode 2/3 text operation
1 byte Int 10h
66h Color palette

Bit 7 0b not used
Bit 6 0b not used
Bit 5 Mode 5 foreground colors
0b green/red/yellow
1b cyan/magenta/white
Bit 4 0b normal background colors
1b intensified background colors
Bit 3 intensified border color (mode 2) and backgrond color (mode 5)
Bit 2 red
Bit 1 green
Bit 0 blue
1 byte Int 10h
67h Adapter ROM offset address 2 bytes
69h Adapter ROM segment address 2 bytes
6Bh Last interrupt (not PC)

Bit 7 IRQ 7 hardware interrupt
Bit 6 IRQ 6 hardware interrupt
Bit 5 IRQ 5 hardware interrupt
Bit 4 IRQ 4 hardware interrupt
Bit 3 IRQ 3 hardware interrupt
Bit 2 IRQ 2 hardware interrupt
Bit 1 IRQ 1 hardware interrupt
Bit 0 IRQ 0 hardware interrupt
0b did not occur
1b did occur
1 byte
6Ch Counter for Int 1Ah 4 bytes Int 1Ah
70h Timer 24-hour flag 1 byte Int 1Ah
71h Keyboard Ctrl-Break flag 1 byte Int 16h
72h Soft reset flag 2 bytes POST
74h Status of last hard disk drive operation

00h no errors
01h invalid function requested
02h address mark not found
04h sector not found
05h reset failed
06h removable media changed
07h drive parameter activity failed
08h DMA overrun
09h DMA boundary error
0Ah bad sector flag detected
0Bh bad track detected
0Dh invalid number of sectors on format
0Eh control data address mark detected
0Fh DMA arbitration level out of range
10h uncorrectable ECC or CRC error
11h ECC corrected data error
20h general controller failure
40h seek operation failed
80h timeout
AAh drive not ready
BBh undefined error occurred
CCh write fault on selected drive
E0h status error, or error register is zero (no error)
FFh sense operation failed
1 byte Int 13h
75h Number of hard disk drives 1 byte Int 13h
76h Hard disk control byte

Bit 7 1b disable retries on disk error
Bit 6 1b disable retries on disk error
Bits 5-4 00b not used
Bit 3 1b drive has more than 8 heads
Bits 2-0 000b not used
1 byte Int 13h
77h Offset address of hard disk I/O port (XT) 1 byte Int 13h
78h Parallel port 1 timeout 1 byte Int 17h
79h Parallel port 2 timeout 1 byte Int 17h
7Ah Parallel port 3 timeout 1 byte Int 17h
7Bh Parallel port 4 timeout (PC, XT)Support for Virtual DMA Services (VDS)

Bits 7-6 00b not used
Bit 5 Virtual DMA Services
0b not supported
1b supported
Bit 4 0b not used
Bit 3 Chaining on interrupt 4Bh
0b not required
1b required
Bits 2-0 000b not used
1 byte
7Ch Serial port 1 timeout 1 byte Int 14h
7Dh Serial port 2 timeout 1 byte Int 14h
7Eh Serial port 3 timeout 1 byte Int 14h
7Fh Serial port 4 timeout 1 byte Int 14h
80h Starting address of keyboard buffer 2 bytes Int 16h
82h Ending address of keyboard buffer 2 bytes Int 16h
84h Number of video rows (minus 1) 1 byte Int 10h
85h Number of scan lines per character 2 bytes Int 10h
87h Video display adapter options

Bit 7 Equals bit 7 of the last video mode set
0b clear display buffer when setting mode
1b do not clear the display buffer
Bits 6-4 Amount of memory on the video display adapter
000b 64 Kb
001b 128 Kb
010b 192 Kb
011b 256 Kb
100b 512 Kb
110b 1024 Kb or more
Bit 3 Video subsystem
0b not active
1b active
Bit 2 reserved
Bit 1 0b color monitor
1b monochrome monitor
Bit 0 Alfanumeric cursor emulation
0b disabled
1b enabled
1 byte Int 10h
88h Hard disk drive transmission speedVideo display adapter switches (EGA+)

Bit 7 State of feature connector feature 1 line
Bit 6 State of feature connector feature 0 line
Bits 5-4 not used
Bit 3-0 Adapter type switch settings
Primary/Secundary adapter
0000b MDA/color 40×25
0001b MDA/color 80×25
0010b MDA/high-resolution 80×25
0011b MDA/high-resolution enhanced
0100b CGA 40×25/monochrome
0101b CGA 80×25/monochrome
0110b color 40×25/MDA
0111b color 80×25/MDA
1000b high-resolution 80×25/MDA
1001b high-resolution enhanced/MDA
1010b monochrome/CGA 40×25
1011b monochrome/CGA 80×25
1 byte1 byte Int 13hInt 10h
89h VGA video flags 1

Bits 7/4 Scanline mode
00b 350-line mode
01b 400-line mode
10b 200-line mode
Bit 6 Display switch
0b disabled
1b enabled
Bit 5 reserved
Bit 3 Default palette loading
0b disabled
1b enabled
Bit 2 0b color monitor
1b monochrome monitor
Bit 1 Gray scale summing
0b disabled
1b enabled
Bit 0 0b VGA inactive
1b VGA active
1 byte Int 10h
8Ah VGA video flags 2 1 byte Int 10h
8Bh Floppy disk configuration data

Bits 7-6 Last data rate sent to the controller
00b 500 Kbit/sec
01b 300 Kbit/sec
10b 250 Kbit/sec
11b rate not set, or 1 Mbit/sec
Bits 5-4 Last drive steprate sent to the controller
00b 8 ms
01b 7 ms
10b 6 ms
11b 5 ms
Bits 3-2 Data rate, set at start of operation (see bits 7-6)
Bits 1-0 not used
1 byte Int 13h
8Ch Hard disk drive (controller) status

Bit 7 0b controller not busy
1b controller busy
Bit 6 0b selected drive not ready
1b selected drive ready
Bit 5 1b write fault occurred
Bit 4 1b seek is complete
Bit 3 1b data request is activa
Bit 2 1b corrected data
Bit 1 1b index pulse
Bit 0 0b no error
1b error in previous command
1 byte Int 13h
8Dh Hard disk drive error

Bit 7 1b bad sector detected
Bit 6 1b uncorrectable ECC error
Bit 5 1b media changed
Bit 4 1b ID or target sector not found
Bit 3 1b media change requested
Bit 2 1b command aborted
Bit 1 1b track 0 not found
Bit 0 1b address mark not found
1 byte Int 13h
8Eh Hard disk drive task complete flag 1 byte Int 13h
8Fh Floppy disk drive information

Bit 7 0b not used
Bit 6 Drive 1 type determination
0b not determined
1b determined
Bit 5 Drive 1 is multi-rate
0b no
1b yes
Bit 4 Diskette 1 change line detection
0b no
1b yes
Bit 3 not used
Bit 2 Drive 0 type determination
Bit 1 Drive 0 is multi-rate
Bit 0 Diskette 0 change line detection
1 byte Int 13h
90h Diskette 0 media state

Bit 7-6 Data transfer rate
00b 500 Kbit/sec
01b 300 Kbit/sec
10b 250 Kbit/sec
11b 1 Mbit/sec
Bit 5 Double stepping
0b not required
1b required
Bit 4 Media in floppy drive
0b unknown
1b known media
Bit 3 not used
Bit 2-0 Last access
000b trying 360K media in 360K drive
001b trying 360K media in 1.2M drive
010b trying 1.2M media in 1.2M drive
011b known 360K media in 360K drive
100b known 360K media in 1.2M drive
101b known 1.2M media in 1.2M drive
110b not used
111b 720K media in 720K drive or 1.44M media in 1.44M drive
1 byte Int 13h
91h Diskette 1 media state (for details see previous byte) 1 byte Int 13h
92h Diskette 0 operational starting state

Bits 7-6 Data transfer rate
00b 500 Kbit/sec
01b 300 Kbit/sec
10b 250 Kbit/sec
11b 1 Mbit/sec
Bits 5-3 Unknown or unused
Bit 2 0b drive type not determined
1b drive type determined
Bit 1 0b drive is not multi-rate
1b drive is multi-rate
Bit 0 0b no change line detection
1b change line detection
1 byte Int 13h
93h Diskette 1 operational starting state (for details see previous byte) 1 byte Int 13h
94h Diskette 0 current cylinder 1 byte Int 13h
95h Diskette 1 current cylinder 1 byte Int 13h
96h Keyboard status flags 3

Bit 7 1b reading two byte keyboard ID in progress
Bit 6 1b last code was first ID character
Bit 5 1b forced NumLock on
Bit 4 1b 101/102 key keyboard
Bit 3 1b right alt key active
Bit 2 1b right control key active
Bit 1 1b last scancode was E0h
Bit 0 1b last scancode was E1h
1 byte Int 16h
97h Keyboard status flags 4

Bit 7 1b keyboard transmit error
Bit 6 1b LED update in progress
Bit 5 1b resend code received
Bit 4 1b acknowledge code received
Bit 3 1b reserved
Bit 2 1b CapsLock LED on
Bit 1 1b NumLock LED on
Bit 0 1b ScrollLock LED on
1 byte Int 16h
98h Segment:Offset address of user wait flag pointer 4 bytes
9Ch User wait count 4 bytes
A0h User wait flag

Bit 7 1b wait time has elapsed
Bits 6-1 not used
Bit 0 0b no wait in progress
1b wait in progress
1 byte
A1h Local area network (LAN) bytes 7 bytes
A8h Segment:Offset address of video parameter control block 4 bytes Int 10h
ACh reserved 68 bytes
F0h Intra-applications communications area 16 bytes

5, The full form of BDA is British Dental Association. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Medical Organizations in United Kingdom

The British Dental Association is a registered trade union for dentists in the United Kingdom. Its stated mission is to “promote the interests of members, advance the science, arts and ethics of dentistry and improve the nation’s oral health.”

6, The full form of BDA is Blu-ray Disc Association. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Technological Organizations in Worldwide

The Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) is the industry consortium that develops and licenses Blu-ray Disc technology and is responsible for establishing format standards and promoting business opportunities for Blu-ray Disc. The BDA is divided into three levels of membership: the Board of Directors, Contributors, and General Members.

The “Blu-ray Disc founder group” was started on 20 May 2002 by Sony and eight leading electronic companies: Panasonic, Pioneer, Philips, Thomson, LG Electronics, Hitachi, Sharp, and Samsung Electronics. In order to enable more companies to participate, it announced in May 2004 that it would form the Blu-ray Disc Association, which was inaugurated on 4 October 2004.

7,  The full form of BDA is Doing Business As

A company is said to be “doing business as” when the name under which they operate their business differs from its legal, registered name. Some states require dba or fictitious business name filings to be made for the protection of consumers conducting business with the entity.

8, The full form of BDA is Database Administrator

Database administrators use specialized software to store and organize data. The role may include capacity planning, installation, configuration, database design, migration, performance monitoring, security, troubleshooting, as well as backup and data recovery.



Battle Damage Assessmenthow to pronounce Battle Damage Assessment

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Bangalore Development Authorityhow to pronounce Bangalore Development Authority

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Bhubaneswar Development Authorityhow to pronounce Bhubaneswar Development Authority

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BIOS Data Areahow to pronounce BIOS Data Area

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British Dental Associationhow to pronounce British Dental Association

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Blu-ray Disc Associationhow to pronounce Blu-ray Disc Association

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Doing Business Ashow to pronounce Doing Business As

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Do you want to know What does BDA mean? What is the full form of BDA?. Are you looking for What does BDA mean? What is the full form of BDA? What is BDA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of BDA. The Full Form of BDA is‍ Battle Damage Assessment, Bangalore Development Authority, Bhubaneswar Development Authority, BIOS Data Area, British Dental Association, Blu-ray Disc Association, Doing Business As
You also might want to know: how to pronounce BDA, how to pronounce Battle Damage Assessment, how to pronounce Bangalore Development Authority, how to pronounce Bhubaneswar Development Authority, how to pronounce BIOS Data Area, how to pronounce British Dental Association, how to pronounce Blu-ray Disc Association, how to pronounce Doing Business As,
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