What does BWB mean? What is the full form of BWB?

The Full Form of BWB is Bandwidth Balancing.

A bandwidth load balancer is a device that intelligently load balances the Internet traffic over 2 or more ISP links. With the latest bandwidth load balancer devices that are equipped with broadband bonding technology, it is possible to combine the several ISP links into one IP connection with the combined speed of the sum of all of the individual links.

This bandwidth load balancing approach sets up an interesting comparison: is an Internet service that is powered by a bandwidth load balancer better than a single Internet service from a single ISP with the equivalent performance specs?

To answer this question, one must consider various aspects of this comparison – more specifically: performance, reliability and cost. In terms of performance, you can easily achieve or surpass the performance of a single ISP link by combining forces of various ISP connections. In most cases, the bandwidth load balanced IP connection will outperform the single ISP link. This result also extends to the reliability of the two approaches as a bandwidth load balancer will enable high 9s uptime for the office network, as long as at least one of the ISP links are up and running. The final leg of the stool is the cost. In most cases, building a faster and more reliable Internet connectivity by bandwidth load balancing several cheaper ISP links is also more cost effective than a single ISP link with higher bandwidth.

So bandwidth load balancers indeed are better than a single ISP connection in terms of performance, reliability and cost – did someone say “win, win, win?”



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Do you want to know What does BWB mean? What is the full form of BWB?. Are you looking for What does BWB mean? What is the full form of BWB? What is BWB stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of BWB. The Full Form of BWB is‍ Bandwidth Balancing
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